
Superbright's product offering supports our clients' workflows and infrastructure needs.

Astral Calendar

Astral Calendar is a calendar synchronisation platform for consultants working across numerous discrete client calendar environments. Designed with data confidentiality within its core architecture, it is suitable for use in a variety of environments and infrastructures, available as both self-hosted and SaaS options, direct-email and SSO-authenticated options, depending on the needs of the clients, and their own clients infrastructure.

Astral Calendar

AD Connector for Paxton Net2

AD Connector for Paxton Net2 allows organisations to integrate their physical access control systems into Active Directory for unified identity and access management. Supporting organisations in running a single pane of glass for user onboarding and offboarding, AD Connector for Paxton Net2 is a valuable tool in an organisation's toolset for managing their Identity and (Physical and Virtual) Access Management.

AD Connector for Paxton Net2

UK Tax Tools for ERPNext 16

Consolidated UK Tax Tools for ERPNext 16 is a suite of tooling for the popular Open Source ERPNext Enterprise Resource Planning platform to enable UK businesses easy to use, MTD for VAT compatible, reliable and supported tooling to meet their financial reporting and VAT accounting requirements.

UK Tax Tools for ERPNext 16

Legacy Products

We are no longer actively marketing these products, but we continue to support them for users whose infrastructure still relies on them.


podHandler is a content delivery engine suite for podcast episode file downloads to gather podcast-specific metrics and utilise end user device fingerprinting for podcast publishers to analyse subscriber patterns and trends. PodHandlerLIVE (for livestreams) and hosted podHandlerX are also part of the suite.
This is a legacy product that we only provide support to existing installations of, and is no longer available for new customers.
