podHandler is legacy software and is no longer available for sale.
Only product support for existing installations is provided by Superbright.
podHandler is a content delivery engine suite for podcast episode file downloads to gather podcast-specific metrics and utilise end user device fingerprinting for podcast publishers to analyse subscriber patterns and trends. PodHandlerLIVE (for livestreams) and hosted podHandlerX are also part of the suite.
This is a legacy wilkynet.uk product that we only provide support to existing installations of, and is no longer available to new customers.
podHandler is legacy software and is no longer available for sale.
Only product support for existing installations is provided by Superbright.
Only product support for existing installations is provided by Superbright.
podHandler is a content delivery engine suite for podcast episode file downloads to gather podcast-specific metrics and utilise end user device fingerprinting for podcast publishers to analyse subscriber patterns and trends. PodHandlerLIVE (for livestreams) and hosted podHandlerX are also part of the suite.
This is a legacy wilkynet.uk product that we only provide support to existing installations of, and is no longer available to new customers.